Head of Clinical Haematology

Dr Anthea Greenway
Anthea is a
Paediatric Haematologist with a special interest in Sickle Cell disease and
Haemoglobinopathies. She is the Director of
the Clinical Haematology Department, Clinical Lead for the RCH Apheresis
service, Clinical Lead for the sickle cell program at RCH and honorary fellow
in the haematology research group at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute.
She completed her specialist training in Melbourne, and a clinical
fellowship in Sickle Cell disease at Duke University Medical Centre, North
Carolina USA. Anthea has completed the ASCP qualification in Apheresis (QIA) and is the chair of the RCH Apheresis
Committee. She is the co chair of the Australian Sickle cell Working
Group and a member of the International affairs committee for the American
Society of Apheresis. Anthea’s clinical and research interests include
comprehensive care of children and adults with sickle cell
disease/haemoglobinopathies, and advancing clinical apheresis care for

Associate Professor Chris Barnes
Chris is a haematologist and Director Henry Ekert Haemophilia Treatment Centre. He has special interest in the management of patients with bleeding disorders and is an honorary research fellow at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute. He is principle investigator of a number of clinical trials exploring novel therapies in patients with haemophilia and immune thrombocytopenic purpura. He is ex Chair and executive member, Australian Haemophilia Centre Directors Organisation and member of International Paediatric Network of Haemophilia.
Professor Paul Monagle
Paul is paediatric haematologist of over 25 years experience who has specific interests in prevention and treatment of thrombosis, blood thinning and anticoagulation medications in children.
Paul is a past Stevenson Chair and Head of Department of Paediatrics, University of Melbourne, previous director of laboratory services and Head of Haematology, and Acting Head of Children’s Cancer Centre Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH), Melbourne. Paul is a member of federal QUPC (Quality use in pathology committee) and Victorian CCOPMM (consultative council of obstetric and paediatric morbidity and mortality).

Dr Helen Savoia
Dr Gemma Crighton
Gemma is a paediatric haematologist, who looks after children with non-malignant haematological conditions, including thrombosis, bleeding disorders, cytopenias (low blood counts), iron deficiency anaemia and haemolytic anaemia. She has a special interest in fetal, neonatal, paediatric and obstetric transfusion medicine, immune thrombocytopenia, iron deficiency anaemia and haemolytic anaemia in children.
Gemma holds fellowships with the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia and Royal Australasian College of Physicians.
She is the past president of the Australia and New Zealand Society of Blood Transfusion (ANZSBT) and previous chair of the paediatric subgroup of the International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT) Clinical Transfusion and Haemovigilance Working Parties.
She has an affiliate appointment with Transfusion Research Unit, Monash University.
Dr Song Chen
Song is a laboratory haematologist working in both adult and paediatric sectors. She has a special expertise in diagnosis of thalassaemia/haemoglobinopathy for neonates, children and adults. Dr Chen is also interested in laboratory diagnosis of other haematological diseases including malignant and non-malignant conditions for all age group patients, with particular skill in morphological diagnosis.
Associate Professor Janine Campbell
Janine Campbell is a clinical and laboratory haematologist. She is a Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Paediatrics at the University of Melbourne. She is the director of laboratory haematology at RCH and The Women’s hospital and the laboratory director of the cell therapies and flow cytometry laboratory. Her main interests are leukaemia diagnosis, measurable residual disease (MRD) detection in acute leukaemia and the management of haematological disorders in obstetrics and gynaecology.
Dr Briony Cutts
Briony is a consultant haematologist and obstetric medicine physician with a particular interest in women with bleeding and clotting disorders in pregnancy. She works at both the Royal Women’s Hospital and Royal Children’s Hospital. She has a research interest in venous thromboembolism in pregnancy and teaches obstetric haematology to trainees, obstetricians, and midwives.
Dr Malaika Perchard
Malaika Perchard is a Paediatric Haematologist with an interest in clinical and laboratory practice. She enjoys look after children with a broad range of non- malignant haematological conditions including thrombosis, bleeding disorders, cytopenias (low blood counts), iron deficiency anaemia and haemolytic anaemia's. Malaika has trained in Queensland and South Australia before moving to Melbourne to work at the Royal Childrens' Hospital.
Professor Catherine Crock, AM
Catherine coordinates the RCH Bone Marrow and Lumbar puncture service. Her interests include medical education, improving healthcare culture, teamwork, patient centred care and patient and staff safety.
She is Professor, Faculty of Health, Deakin University. She has been a medical surveyor with Australian Council for Healthcare Standards 2008-18.
Nursing Staff
Hollie Gilmore
Hollie is the Anticoagulation Clinical Nurse Consultant at The Royal Children’s Hospital. She has a Post Graduate Diploma in Paediatric Critical Care and a Masters of Public Health from Melbourne University.
Erin Krake
Erin is an Anticoagulation Clinical Nurse Consultant at The Royal Children’s Hospital. She also assists with coordinating clinical trials for children with Haemophilia.
Janine Furmedge
Janine is the Haemophilia Clinical Nurse Consultant at The Royal Children’s Hospital Haemophilia Centre. She has a Post Graduate Diploma in Genetic Counselling and a Masters of Advanced Nursing Practice from Melbourne University.
Anna Duncan
Anna is the Sickle Cell Clinical Nurse Consultant The Royal Children’s Hospital. She is also a Clinical Nurse Specialist in haemodialysis and apheresis. Anna has expertise in and is a certified educator in ultrasound guided cannulation.
Anne Kinmonth
Anne joined Clinical Haematology as the Transfusion Clinical Nurse Consultant RCH in 2013. She assists in co-ordinating the RCH Blood Management Committee and all aspects of governance related to Patient Blood Management. Anne has a Graduate Certificate in Transfusion Practice and a Graduate Diploma in Critical Care Nursing
Office Staff
Julia Ekert
Julia is the haemophilia data manager for the Haemophilia Treatment Centre.
Over the years her work has expanded to include managing the haemophilia home delivery service, haemophilia clinic coordination and general clinical haematology office administration and support.
Laboratory Registrars
Dr Mohammad Irhimeh
Dr Hasna Tokhi
Inpatient Registrars
Dr Elizabeth Prime
Dr Aqeelah Yusuf